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patent document中文是什么意思

用"patent document"造句"patent document"怎么读"patent document" in a sentence


  • 专利文件
  • 专利文献


  • Indexing of patent documents and inquiry of legal status
  • Analysis on the patent documents information elementarily of textile
  • Article l7 . the inventor or creator has the right to be named as such in the patent document
  • It would be used to input patent document and users " interface of pharmaceutical chemical patent database
  • The researches on this subject are very few ; the only article about the realization of pcma is the patent document
  • This database lets you access over 75 years of patent descriptions and images . you can search , retrieve and study more than 1 , 500 , 000 patent documents
  • This manual includes the technical secrets and patent documents of our company , neither all nor part of the manual or its information can be copied , distributed or revealed without the clear written confirmation of our company
  • In the patent document , a training sequence is designed to estimate the parameters in pcma . but in this article will do some researcher in the parameters estimate without training . because of the lack of references , the estimate works are very hard
  • Markush coding is divided into 3 layers , i . e . natural language layer , formal language layer and extended connectivity table representation layer , to ensure the consistency of markush sructures and the recorded structures in database files . corresponding to the 3lcm , a concept of 2 level documents is adopted . based on these ideas , a set of software named msiis ( markush structure integrated inputting system ) is being developed to process chemical patent documents automatically
    在注重提高族性结构数据库系统的一致性和检索效率的原则下,设计了族性结构加工处理方案- - msiis系统,该系统通过建立族性结构三层编码模型( 3clm )和两级文档存贮编码,有效地保证了数据库数据记录与源文档的一致性;通过对初处理文档的优化编译? ?即在最佳展开点展开族性结构? ?生成具有高检索效率的标准文档,这样在数据库记录中就保证了检索的高效率。
用"patent document"造句  
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